The majority of us have that one shoe that we all love. The go-to. For Ross, it’s the Jordan 1. For the homie Titus, it’s the KD 4. For myself, it’s the Kobe 8. (Although, this statement may not be 100% correct. I’ll elaborate later). The fact of the matter is that once you find your go-to sneaker, you want to cop more colorways of that silhouette. Nothing wrong with having a pair for every fit. However, is there a point where it gets to be too much? Is rocking a different colorway of the same shoe everyday a good idea?
I’m going to pick on Titus here for a little bit. My dude has a CRAZY KD 4 collection. (Check out his Instagram here). Obviously, with that many KD 4’s, the majority of shoes he rocks are… you guessed it, (WHOO!), KD4’s. One could make the argument that it doesn’t matter if anyone wears different colorways of a specific model everyday. I partially agree with these people. If you find a shoe you really rock with, by all means you should roll with it.
The gripe I have with rocking the same model every day is that there’s a limit to the creativity one can have in creating a dope outfit. It’s a known fact that certain shoes go with certain fits, and limiting yourself to one model also means you’re limiting yourself to a small amount of outfit options. In addition to being limited in clothing options that actually look good, these people are missing out on one of the best parts on picking an outfit – the creativity and uniqueness of each individual fit. You are what you wear. If you wear the same thing all the time, you’re boring and unoriginal. Being fresh is all about switching it up, being creative, and most of all being yourself with your fit.
As stated in the beginning of the article, my go-to sneaker is the Kobe 8. I love the shoe, and have multiple colorways of it. However, as time goes on and I continually broaden my sneaker horizons, I realize that there are a ton of dope shoes and silhouettes that I like. For example, I just started getting into Asics, Saucony, and New Balance. Yeah, yeah, I understand that I’m a little late on the runner craze. Oh well. The point is that even with my love for the Kobe 8, I don’t even know if I really have a favorite silhouette at the moment. I’m constantly finding new models that I can really rock with. By adding these new models to my collection, I continually add more outfit possibilities. The amount of dope combinations is limitless.
If you’re someone who mainly rocks only a certain model, then all the more power to you. I’m not going to say you’re wrong or you should stop. You do you. However, it never hurts to check out all of your options. You never know what you might find.
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