Hey, you…yeah YOU! Welcome to KicksOneTwo, your one-stop shop for everything and anything a Twin Cities sneakerhead needs. Our goal is to bring you high-quality content about what’s going on in our scene, from local sneaker news to interviews and event recaps.
KicksOneTwo was born out of a desire to give our community a voice. We’ve got lots of great people, places, and events here in our community, and the KicksOneTwo staff feels that the things that make our scene so great deserve coverage. A lot of hard work has gone into the site to make it the best it can be, and we’re ready to shine the light on our community!
Our motto is “The Soul of Sole, in the Heart of Minneapolis.” The reason we chose this is because we intend to cover every part of our culture that makes it outstanding. New sneaker dropping at a local shop? We’ll be sure to share info. Dope event going on? We’ll be there taking pictures. Big news in the sneaker world? We’ll be sharing our thoughts and opinions.
So hop aboard! It’s going to be an awesome ride We’ll constantly be changing and updating the site, looking to make it better any chance we get, from a new logo to a new layout… From all of us at KicksOneTwo to you, thank you for stopping by. We’re looking forward to becoming your #1 destination for what’s going on in our community.
-RDwyer & JJohn
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