With TCSAX (the Twin Cities Sneaker Art Xchange) IV right around the corner, the folks here at KicksOneTwo thought it would be only right to compile a list of do’s and dont’s for those folks who might be a little newer to the convention scene. Want to find out how to have the best possible time this upcoming Sunday? Read on.
1. Be Social!
It’s a convention after all! A time where everyone with a common interest comes together. Talk to people. Shake hands. Shoot the shit about sneakers, rap, or anything else. You’re almost certain to meet some really wavy people.
2. Cop Something!
Looking for a certain pair of shoes? There’s a good chance you’ll be able to find it there. Although the prices might be a little higher than you’d like, if you wait it out a bit or strike up a good conversation with someone, you’ll be able to get in the ballpark of what you were originally looking for.
3. Listen To The Music!
With all the dope local artists performing, TCSAX is a worthwhile concert as well as a great convention. Take some time to watch the set of an artist you haven’t had much experience with. You just might find you really rock with them
1. Be A Wallflower
Why even bother showing up? This is the only time the community will all be in one place. Don’t waste it in a corner being antisocial. If you’re going to be like that, you might as well just stay home.
2. Complain
People are always complaining about how the sneaker community in Minnesota needs to be stronger. Well, you can be that change! Show up and make it happen. Don’t just sit around and whine. That won’t solve anything.
3. Be Salty
Can’t get the item you’re looking for? Didn’t win a giveaway? Don’t be salty. Enjoy yourself! Eat some food. Listen to some dope tunes. Just vibe out and have a good time. It’s not that hard.
Hopefully you have a better idea of how to make the best of your time at TCSAX. What it really boils down to is just being outgoing and making connections. That’s what conventions are for! Hope to see you all this Sunday. Be sure to say hello!
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