I spent the majority of Wednesday refreshing my email in hopes of receiving tickets to the Minneapolis Yeezy Season 2 showing. I finally got them later in the night (along with everyone else from Minnesota) and I was amped. Even though I had no clue what to expect, and had numerous questions since the whole event seemed rushed and very last minute, I was still excited to go.
We were granted a plus one, and my dad had expressed interested in going, so I decided to bring him along. He’s not the biggest Kanye fan, and he doesn’t like rap music at all, so I wasn’t sure what he would think, but I figured it would be interesting to get someone who wasn’t immersed in the culture’s thoughts on the show.
According to the email I received, the doors were going to open at 10:30 a.m. My dad and I decided to get there at 9:00 a.m. to beat the crowd and be the first in line to get some Yeezy merch. We were speculating on both, as we didn’t know if there was going to be a big crowd, and there was no confirmation on if they would be handing out Yeezy shirts at all. However, better safe than sorry right?
We got to the theater around 9:05 a.m. We were the fifth and sixth people to arrive, along with two high school kids and a couple from La Crosse, WI. (The drive from La Crosse to Minneapolis is approximately three hours). I started chopping it up with them, and found out that the manager said there wouldn’t be a line, they weren’t giving anything away, and that he was just waiting for the event coordinator. More questions unanswered for us. I also found out that the guy from La Crosse left late last night, got to the theater at 3:00 a.m., slept for about two hours, and then stood in line. All because he didn’t want to miss out on getting Yeezy gear, and also because, “I’m a Kanye stan. What can I say? You guys know what stan means right?” Yes, we do.
Sidenote: I coudn’t resist the urge to pick on this guy a little bit. (If you’re reading this, I apologize. If it makes you feel better, your girl is an absolute dime).
First off, this guy drove three hours for a live stream of a fashion show. He was wearing all grey Adidas Tubular X’s, and seemed to like them so much since they looked like Yeezy Boost 750’s. Apparently he had a deadstock pair at home. When a guy walked up to us wearing Toro Bravo IV’s, he went wild. Right after that, he asked if they were IV’s or V’s. When someone new came to the theater and started talking with us, this guy never failed to mention that he copped OVO X’s this past weekend. (At least he said he was going to rock them. Props). Lastly, he couldn’t resist having a 15-minute conversation with yet another guy (who oddly really looked like Drake) on how he copped his Turtledove Yeezy Boosts. This was especially funny since the La Crosse guy yelled, “Hey, Drake’s here!!” when that guy arrived. The Drake look-alike wasn’t too amused by this.
My apologies. I got sidetracked recounting that humorous encounter. Back to the matter at hand.
There was an air of confusion and excitement surrounding everybody. Nobody really knew what to expect, and I’m pretty sure that the workers didn’t either. Around 9:30 a.m., a lady walked past us and said, “You guys have another three hours to wait!” We then asked her if the doors open at 10:30 a.m., to which she replied yes. Great math, huh? 15 minutes later, a concessions worker walked by us. He had no clue why we were all there.
Around 10:15 a.m., the manager came outside and let us all in. We walked up to a table being manned by the lady who told us we had another three hours to wait. She asked for my name, and then checked me off her list without me showing her the confirmation email or my photo ID. My dad and I walked into the showroom and took our seats.
When we first got into the room, there was a Irish rock/pop concert playing with the title “TEST MATERIAL ONLY” on the bottom of the screen. We endured this for a solid hour until the show started around 11:30 a.m. There was a short surprise, however, as we were treated to a glimpse of the show’s final rehearsal. This is where we heard our first snippet of “Fade.” The rehearsal clip did not last long at all, and soon enough the “TEST MATERIAL ONLY” concert reappeared.
I’m not going to bore you with the details of the showing since you can find plenty of pictures and videos all over the internet. I will, however, give you my reasons to why I was mad after the show was over.
1) The amount of time wasted while waiting.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that I got to go and watch the showing. However, I wish I would have known that I could’ve just walked in at 11:30 a.m. and been perfectly fine. We spent way too much time waiting.
2) The length of the show.
I was honestly surprised when it ended and I thought it was some sort of joke. Since the last show was somewhat long, I expected this showing to be around an hour long. Yeezy Season 2 barely lasted twenty minutes.
3) The darkness of the screen.
I’m not sure if it was the theater or something with the screen, but I could hardly see any of the details. The show was just so dark that it was tough to see everything well.
4) The clothes.
I don’t know, man. Maybe I’m just not high-fashion or smart enough to understand this whole thing. I’m really not a fan of the whole “I-pay-big-money-to-look-like-I’m-homeless” outfit. Not to mention that all of this stuff looked exactly like Yeezy Season 1. Give or take a few pieces. Again, maybe I’m just not trendy enough to recognize this work of genius from Kanye, but for now I’ll keep my outfits simple. And not raggedy.
5) The fact that the best part of the show was when Kanye walked out to take a bow.
This was literally the only part of the show that I got semi-excited for. Not to mention that Kanye had the best outfit out of everyone on stage. Crewneck, jeans, and Yeezy Boosts. Simple and dope.
Although it was a cool event that I’m kinda glad I got to go to, I’m still a little angry about how it all went down. Plus, I’m pretty sure that I turned my dad off to Kanye even more. Oh well. At least we got to hear a new banger off of Swish.
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