If you open the hypebeast Bible, it’s right there for your viewing. Right under “Thou shalt not place any other brand over Supreme”, and right over “Thou shalt pay thine respects to Lord Flacko”. Yes, we’re talking about arguably the most important hypebeast commandment: “Thou Shalt Not Trip Over The Yeezy Raffle”.
Every time Kanye West releases a new shoe, it’s absolute chaos. People lose their minds trying to cop, either because they want to be rocking the same shoes as Ye, or because they know they can make a quick and easy thousand-dollar profit reselling them.
Sure, those are two very exciting outcomes. Getting your hands on the shoes enables you to do some cool shit that you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. But there’s no need to trip about it.
You know what the hype is going to be like: unreal. You know everyone and their mother (and their aunt,uncle, and cousins too) all want a pair of Yeezys. Nothing whips the general sneaker-loving populace into more of a frenzy than when Kanye releases a new shoe.
So to avoid losing your mind and getting way too caught up in the hype (or lost in the sauce), keep your head around you. It is what it is. Everyone wants these shoes to rock or flip. The box at your local sneaker store is so heavy with raffle tickets that it probably weighs an actual ton. Keep your wits around you, hope for the best, and be sure to put the numbers of the shops that you raffled at in your phone in case you’re one of the lucky few that actually does get that call.
And if you do get that call? Then (and only then) you’ve got every right to go crazy. We can hardly blame you. We would do the same exact thing.
Did you raffle for the 350’s that are dropping on the 19th? Do you ever find yourself getting too caught up in the hype? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check out our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the dope sneaker pictures you can handle.
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