Sneakerheads love a heated discussion. Whether it’s about which retro is better, who the biggest influencer in sneakers is right now, or what shoe has the best quality materials, they have their opinions and will defend them to death. There’s a lot of room for interpretation and opinions in the sneaker game, and that’s what makes it such a fun hobby, as there’s always something to talk about.
However, there’s one argument sneakerheads love to have that’s just flat-out pointless, and it begins with something like this: “If (insert hyped shoe here) wasn’t associated with (insert celeb or influencer here), then nobody would care about it!” If you’ve ever said that, we’ve got one question for you: So what??
Hypothetical situations in sneakers, just like in real life are by and large a giant waste of time. Here’s an example of one of those meaningless conversations : a lot of sneakerheads love to hate on Yeezys (yes, we’re bringing up Kanye), especially the 350 Boost because of its wild popularity. Maybe they’re old-school and don’t rock with the aesthetic , maybe they just really don’t like Adidas or even Ye himself. Whatever the reason is, they like to talk down the Yeezy, and they love to say “if Kanye wasn’t associated with it, nobody would care”.
Well…here’s a newsflash: Kanye is associated with the Yeezy. He’ll continue to be associated with the Yeezy. So it really doesn’t matter if the shoe wouldn’t be popular if he had nothing to do with it, because he does. The same logic goes for Jordans and their association with Michael Jordan, or any collaborative shoe that a popular brand works on. The PSNY XII’s. The OVO X’s. The Gel-Lyte III “Miami”. The list goes on and on and on. You could always say that a shoe wouldn’t be popular if a certain brand or person wasn’t involved…but it flat-out doesn’t matter, because they are.
So next time you have a sneaker conversation, try to stay away from this topic. It’s pointless, just as pointless as arguing about if the 72-10 Bulls could beat the 73-9 Warriors in a 7-game series. Things that didn’t happen and won’t ever happen aren’t even worth the discussion.
What do you think about hypothetical sneaker arguments? Do you like the Yeezys? Do you think the Bulls could beat the Warriors (we do, for the record even though the game will never happen, so who cares)? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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