Sneaker raffles. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em. Some sneakerheads can’t stand them. They’d rather do it old-school first come, first serve style and wait in line for hours or days to secure their pair. Some sneakerheads understand that they’re a necessary evil with the way hype is nowadays, and will gladly trudge to their local mall to fill out tickets.
No matter how you feel about raffles, you’ve got to do ’em to get the shoes that you want … so you might as well make the process as easy as possible. We’ve compiled a little guide of tips and tricks to make the experience as smooth as possible, and we figured now’s as good of a time as any to share it as you’ll probably be heading to the mall to raffle for the Bred I’s this week. Let’s get right to it.
Bring Friends
Going to raffle isn’t exactly a fun endeavor, so you might as well bring your friends with you. There’s a good chance that they want whatever shoes you want, so you might as well all squad up and mob to the mall together. The more, the merrier.
Formulate A Plan Of Attack
You’ll be hitting more than one store wherever you go to raffle, and at some places like the Mall Of America, you might be hitting 5-6. Figure out an order you’re going to rock with, and stick with it. You’ll save time, and you won’t be aimlessly wandering around the mall in a recycled-air induced haze.
Have Your ID Ready
This step is an annoying one, but it’s a necessity. The folks at the store want to make sure you are who you say you are, so when you’re filling out your raffle ticket, have your ID ready to go so they can check it.
And Last But Not Least … Don’t Be A Dick
This should go without saying, but there’s no need to ask questions like “How many pairs are ya’ll getting?” or the dreaded “Can you hold me down?” The employees at wherever you are have likely been asked questions of that nature, and if they’re feeling extra-salty, they might even throw your ticket away. Be polite and respectful.
There you have it. Nothing too groundbreaking, but who doesn’t like saving a little time and energy? Best of luck to all our KicksOneTwo family on this week’s raffles!
Do you have any specific raffle tips and tricks? Do you like raffles, or would you rather that stores switch back to first come, first serve? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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