I sold my Yeezys yesterday.
If you know me, you know that’s a big deal. I only ever had one Yeezy, the “Turtledove” 350 Boost … which also happens to be the best Yeezy of the bunch in my opinion. I managed to cook on them when I was still working at Finish Line … and I even got an employee discount, which means I paid a whopping $140 for one of the most valuable shoes of the last few years.
And I wore the absolute shit out of them, from the day they showed up. I wore them at Minnehaha Falls for a photoshoot, where they got thrashed. I wore them to events. To parties. To dates in the attempt to impress ladies (that didn’t really work, but hey … nothing ventured, nothing gained!) I wore them frequently, and got more than my money’s worth.
And recently, I decided it was time to let them go. As much as I love them … Yeezys just aren’t that special to me anymore. You used to see them once in a blue moon, and now you see them literally wherever you go. When I was in LA recently, I saw what seemed like a pair of Yeezys every block … and that put me off. I decided that I was done with them, and I was going back to what I’ve always loved: Vans and Jordan I’s.
I sold them to a friend yesterday who promised he’d wear them and not flip them himself, and you know what? I don’t regret it one bit. I was a little wistful when I saw them leave, but I got some fire in return … and I got the chance to make a great friend very happy, which is a chance I’ll always take.
What I’m trying to say here is that sometimes letting go of a valuable posession can be refreshing. It can clear the palate and make you feel really good about yourself. You just might make someone else very happy too! So give it a try sometime … you’ll probably enjoy it more than you think.
Have you ever traded/sold a valuable shoe that you liked a lot? If so, what made you do it? Hit us up and let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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