You’ve gotta do it for the children.
As adults who wear full-size sneakers, we get lucky a lot. We have a plethora of sneaker options … and it’s every rare that we can’t find a style or color that we want. However, that’s not always the case for the kids.
Shoes that are released in full adult sizes don’t always see a grade school size release. The kids (or adults with smaller feet, shouts to everyone who can fit grade school sizes) sometimes have to take an L because the shoe they want simply isn’t available in their size. It’s a rough world out there.
However, Jordan Brand is doing the kids a solid … and releasing one of the best IV’s ever in grade school sizes. That’s right, the “Linen” IV’s, originally released in 2006 will see a grade school release later on this year. The re-release is true to the original both in material and colorway, and will give the small-footers an equal chance to get fits off. If these are available in extended grade school sizes … we just might be looking for a pair too.
Although we’re salty these aren’t releasing in men’s sizes as well, we’re glad the small-footers have a chance to get their hands on some exclusive fire. Who doesn’t wanna bless their girlfriend, children, or mom with a great pair of kicks?
What do you think of the re-release of the Linen IV’s in grade school sizes? Are you mad they’re not available in adult sizes, or do you think it’s good the kids will have a chance to shine? Hit us up and let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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