It was a wild year, wasn’t it?
2017 is almost in the books, and as I reminisce on a year gone by, I feel that I owe a debt of gratitude to all the people that made it so memorable. I shared great experiences with friends and loved ones both old and new, and created memories that I’ll keep with me forever.
And thankfully I was able to document those memories. Over the course of the year I shot film photos of the people around me, starting with a small Pentax IQ Zoom 120Mi, before upgrading to a Yashica Micro Elite Zoom 120, and finally a Yashica T2 (my favorite film camera I’ve owned).
Most of the photos were shot with Fujifilm X-Tra 400, and none were edited except for the occasional red-eye removal. I feel that editing a film photo takes away its extremely organic look, the very thing that makes film photography such a powerful medium.
I aimed to capture moments, feelings, and expressions from the people around me … and I’ve compiled some of my favorite shots of those people from the past year into a small gallery of sorts for your viewing pleasure.
Enough backstory and banter. Let’s get into the retrospective. I hope you enjoy looking at these pictures (and experiencing the feelings they communicate) as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Here’s hoping you and yours have a great rest of the holiday season and a terrific 2018 as well! Whatever you do, be sure to grab a camera and capture it. There’s nothing quite like having a photographic diary to look back on, especially if it’s a diary that was shot on a film camera.
Do you shoot film? If so, what camera do you use and what type of film do you like to shoot the most? Sound off in the comments or hit me up on Twitter! Let’s shoot.
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