It’s my birthday today.
This piece isn’t very sneaker related (except for 23 being Jordan’s number, but that’s a bit of a stretch of course), but as this is my site, I figured it would be alright to alot myself one birthday-related post.
It’s crazy to think that I graduated from high school about five years ago, and have been able to legally drink for the last two. It feels like just yesterday that my homies and I were slinking into the gas station at 18 to buy cigars and chew and thought it was so dope that we could legally do that.
The last few years seem to have flown by in a total blur, and as I get older (yes, I’m able to talk about getting older. Sorry if you’re 30+ and a 23 year old pondering the implications of aging make you mad. Go somewhere else), I’m really learning how to take life slower and enjoy the moment.
22 was pretty fantastic. Although rap music as a whole wasn’t very good (any year someone who’s as bland as Iggy Azalea even gets close to any awards, you know it’s a rough year for the genre) , everything else was. I made some great new friends, started a pretty damn dope new job, and of course, what I’m most proud of , starting this website.
So I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to anyone who’s ever read an article on this site and enjoyed it. Even if you didn’t enjoy it, thanks for clicking anyway. I’ll take your page hits regardless.
I’m looking forwards to bringing more quality content your way in the upcoming months (TCSAX V is right around the corner!), and hopefully trying out some new things I’ve been working on!
So once again, thank you so much for making 22 so memorable. Here’s hoping 23 is just as good if not better.
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