What’s good, everyone?
It’s been a little over two weeks, so I figured the time was right for another update on what’s been going on.
I’m still cranking out dopeness over at KLX, and have written two more articles for them since my last update, one on travel essentials, and one on the new (and hilarious) Dipset home goods line. Yes, there is a Dipset home goods line. I can hardly believe it myself. The links to both articles are below if you’d like to check them out.
Travel Essentials: Top 5 Things You Need For The Perfect Vacation
Cam’ron Approved: The New Diplomats Home Goods Line Is Fire
On the KicksOneTwo front, it’s business as usual. I’ve got an interesting piece coming later this week about who we’re really trying to impress with our style (hint…it’s not who you might think it is off top), and I’ve got a special set of pictures coming later this week. They’re both going to be extra wavy, and I can’t wait to share them. I’m also looking forwards to branching off into a few other subjects, as there’s always something new to write about
I’m considering traveling to Sneakercon in Chicago too. Assuming that can be pulled off, I’ll of course be doing a recap complete with pictures. Believe it or not, I’ve never been to Chicago, even though we’re only 6 hours away.
And finally, I’m always open to suggestions! Have something you’d like to see a piece on? Hit me up on Twitter and let me know! I’m always open to suggestions, and love sharing my opinion on really any subject someone wants to hear about.
That’s all for this check-in! Until next time, keep checking back for fresh content at 8AM every day, and make sure to keep something dope on your feet!
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