Along with Twitter and Instagram, Facebook is a great outlet for sneakerheads to buy, sell, and showcase their kicks. No matter if you prefer to stay local or go national, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of sneaker groups.
It goes without saying that there is a lot of buffoonery that goes on in these groups. From trolls to scammers these groups have it all. However, the main thing that has been irking me lately is people’s profile names. I know what you’re thinking: “Come on Bobby, profile names?” Let me explain.
When trying to sell any item, it’s important to present yourself as a respectable, trustworthy person. This applies when you’re selling a pair of shoes on Facebook too. “Emil DopeBoyMoneyGang Cienik” isn’t exactly what I would call a trustworthy name.
In hopes of cleaning up the sneaker world on Facebook, I’m going to insert some examples of what you should NOT put as your middle name on Facebook into my name.
Emil BallIsLife Cienik
– 99 times out of 100, ball is not actually life for these people.
Emil TrapLife Cienik
– Same average applies here.
Emil InTheCut Cienik
– “The cut” is actually his mom’s house.
Emil StayGettinGuap Cienik
– Keep flippin those burgers my dude.
Emil MakinLoveToThaMoney Cienik
– *facepalm*
Emil MoneyMakeThaWorldGoRound Cienik
– This person is probably broke and wants the plug on your shoes.
Emil TrustNoSoul Cienik
– This just screams “don’t trust me”. It’s literally in the name.
Emil WitMyWoes Cienik
– Calm down, Drake
Emil BoutDatLife Cienik
– This person probably isn’t about that life, but if he is you’d want to steer clear of him.
Emil AlwaysStayFinessin Cienik
– I don’t even know. What can you really say about this??
In addition to having stupid middle names, do not be that dude that works at some stupid made-up place.
This includes:
– Owner at Loading Swag: 99% Error: Too much Swag to load
– Shooting Guard at NBA
– C.E.O. at Trap life
– Your moms house
If you happen to be one of these people, do us all a favor and stop. Log on right now and change your name. If you happen to be a person that is considering doing business with someone named “Emil StayStrapped Cienik”, I’d advise you to steer clear. You’ll be glad you did.
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