It’s September already. Summer is in its final throes, and fall is almost upon us. Although this means you’ll have many more options for your outfit (better make sure that layering game is A1!), it also means that there’s going to be a higher chance you’ll mess your kicks up.
Here at KicksOneTwo, we’re firm believers in wearing your shoes. That’s why you bought them after all, right? However, that doesn’t mean we like letting them get dirty and beat up before their time. With that in mind, we decided to bless you with some helpful tips on how to keep your kicks as clean as possible. Let’s get right into it.
Make Sure They’re Protected
The first step to making sure your kicks stay clean comes before you even throw them on your feet. Be sure to spray them with a protector or waterproofer of some sort. Anything from the godly level of protection offered by Crep Protect to a basic can of waterproofer from Sof Sole will get the job done. Kicks get dirty significantly faster when they’re wet, so waterproofing them will help keep them dry and clean.
Avoid Treacherous Ground
If at all possible, try your best to stay on the sidewalk and out of grass, dirt, sand, or any other substance that can rub off on your kicks and mess them up. This might mean that you’ll have to take the long way around while your friends take a shortcut every now and again, but at least your kicks will be significantly fresher than theirs are.
Pull Out The Beaters For Bad Weather
Has it been raining all day? Is there a foot of snow on the ground? If so, you’re going to want to leave the good kicks in the box and rock your beaters. There’s no easier way to destroy a new pair of shoes than rocking them in inclement weather conditions. All the cleaning in the world won’t make a difference if you’re out walking in a downpour all day. Leave the heat in the box for another day with more mild weather.
Clean Frequently
So you’ve followed all the other steps but somehow still managed to get your kicks dirty. That happens. There’s only so many preventive measures that your can take. You’ve just got to make sure that you get them cleaned as quickly as possible. Use a high-end cleaner like Jason Markk or Air Legends, and make sure your have the right brush for the job (firmer bristles for materials like rubber and leather, softer bristles for suede and nubuck. Some brands offer to-go wipes and cleaning sticks too so you can keep your kicks clean on the fly (pro tip: Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work magic as well).
So there you have it. Make sure your shoes are protected before you wear them. Exercise caution when you do wear your heat. Clean your kicks as soon as possible after they get dirty. Follow these four simple steps, and you’ll get more use out of your shoes and keep them looking newer longer.
Editor’s note: Thanks to our good friend Matt for suggesting this article! Feel free to hit us on Twitter if there’s anything you’d like to see an article about. We’re always open to ideas!
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