You already know what time it is.
The monthly shameless Instagram plug is here. The article where I tell you about how dope the KicksOneTwo Instagram is, and that you should head over to the page and check it out (and of course toss us a follow if you like the pictures.
Know what you’re missing if you’re not following us? You’re missing dope pictures of fire kicks worn by local sneakerheads. What more could you ask for than that. We’re a Twin Cities sneaker blog, and the Instagram shows off sneaker heads in the Twin Cities. What’s more local than that?
We promise we won’t push any crappy products on you or try to sell you something that you don’t need. The only thing we want to do is bring you as many fire sneaker pictures as possible…and believe us when we say that the pictures are fire. Fire enough to make your phone overheat. Fire enough to set your smoke alarm off. Fire enough that if you keep the page open too long you might mess around and spontaneously combust. If the picture at the top of the article didn’t already convince you that our snaps are fire, here’s another one (DJ Khaled voice) that’s sure to.
Plus we want to feature even more local sneaker heads. We’ve got our own hashtag (#kicksonetwo if you were curious), and we’ll review any hashtagged pictures. If they’re dope enough, we got you on a feature. We like to spread the love.
And we’re open to suggestions. Any shoes you’d like to see snaps of? Anyone that you’d like to see on our Instagram? Get in touch with us (Facebook or Twitter both work fine), and we’ll do what we can to make it happen. What other sneaker page can offer you that?
So if you’re already checking out the Instagram, thank you so much. We do it for you. If you’re not checking it out should be. It’ll be the best decision you’ve made all year, and that’s a guarantee.
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