Fake Yeezys. The scourge of the sneaker game. Some are made-up colorways, like the one above. Some have light-up midsoles. Some are so flimsy they look like water shoes. Some are actually pretty damn good and can only be spotted by a trained eye. No matter what they look like though, they all have one thing in common: they absolutely suck.
The Yeezy 350 Boost just might be the most-faked sneaker of all time. You can hardly go a day without seeing a fake pair of Yeezys on someone’s feet … and we can’t help but sit here and wonder why. What would compel you to buy/wear a fake pair?
Some may plead ignorance. They didn’t know they were fake. They can’t tell the difference between a real and a fake pair. This is not an acceptable excuse unless they have a high-quality replica, which most people who make this excuse won’t. Just because you “can’t tell the difference” doesn’t mean you’re completely devoid of common sense. Come on, do you really think you’re getting an authentic product that retailed for $200/$220 for $60 at a mall kiosk? Do you think that a shoe designed by Kanye West would have a light-up midsole? Do you really trust “yeezy350boostsupplysite.com?” Nah, you can’t feign ignorance on this one.
Some may say they don’t care. Nope, that’s not cool either. You clearly do care enough about the appearance of having a Yeezy if you’re willing to pay for a fake pair. You know that a Yeezy is a status symbol, and you’re trying to fake flex with your fake Yeezys. Deposit that second excuse in the garbage can as well.
And some might also say that they need to have their fake Yeezys because the shoe’s way too hyped and they want to be cool but can’t afford the real ones. We can understand the basis of that argument. Image is important, and most people simply don’t have the luck to grab the shoes on release day or the deep pockets to buy them afterwards. Understandable. But know this: there’s no shame in not having Yeezys. You can still be fly without them. There is shame in buying a cheap replica to try and follow the wave. Don’t sell yourself short like that.
We don’t know what’s gonna happen in 2017, but if the amount of fake Yeezys decreased even slightly, we could call it a good year for sneakers. Don’t buy fakes. Don’t rock fakes. Call out people who are trying to flex fake Yeezys. This sneaker scourge might not go away … but at least we can possibly lessen its impact.
How often do you see fake Yeezys? What’s the worst pair you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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