Let’s keep it real: January’s not the most fun time of the year. The holidays are over. Everyone’s back to work in earnest. The thrill of making New Year’s resolutions has worn off along with all the champagne you consumed on New Year’s Eve. Now that reality has set in, all you’re left with is a hangover, literally and figuratively.
Plus, if you’re not blessed enough to live in the South or on the West Coast, it’s cold. Not just chilly, cooler than a polar bear’s toenails (word to 3 Stacks). Flat-out frigid. In the Midwest, temperatures have been hovering around 0 (although they’re finally starting to warm up a little bit). New York’s been getting so much snow dumped on them that they’re currently experiencing a city-wide shortage of fresh Timberlands. The Northeast has been dealing with windchill the likes of which has never been seen before. And still, our asshat of a president Mr. Donald Trump sits in the White House, denying that climate change is real.
Our apologies for getting sidetracked (and for bringing up politics, even though we’ve got a gut feeling that you agree with us). The cold does that to you. It makes it harder to think and function, so by association it can be harder to kick your creative side into gear when it’s so cold.
We’re not usually in the business of writing self-help articles, but we feel like January is a damn good time for a pick-me up. Plus, we know a great deal of you, our beloved KicksOneTwo family, are creatives yourself. No matter if you’re a musician, artist, photographer, writer (like us), graphic designer, or you channel your creative energy and spirit another tangible way, we’re here for you. You inspire us to keep pushing each and every day, and we hope that we do the same for you!
We know that it can be hard to create something meaningful in the drab months ahead, devoid of sunshine and lacking in color besides grey. So today we’re helping in the best way we know how: sharing our 5 best solutions, tips, and tricks for staying creative in the cold. Throw on your most fire jawns, get your layering game right, and let’s get right into it!
Catch A Flight
Feeling stifled creatively by your current surroundings and weather conditions? Then leave! Catch a flight out of town as soon as you can. If you’re thrifty enough, you can usually do it on the cheap, and if you’re connected enough, you probably know someone in a warmer climate that you can stay with for the free 99. There’s no better way to replenish your creative energy than a change of scenery, no matter where you go or how brief it may be. It reinvigorates and revitalizes you, helps you establish a fresh perspective (which is always crucial) and can be all you need to get yourself running at 100% again. Plus the rejuvenating power of being able to rock shorts and a t-shirt again can never be underestimated.
Explore Your City
Leaving town not an option? All hope is not lost. No matter how sure you are that you’ve seen everything cool that your city or town has to offer, we’d bet every single pair of kicks and all the Supreme we own that you haven’t. Look for an art gallery you haven’t been to before. Stop into a random store and see what strikes your fancy. Grab a coffee and do some work at a coffee shop you haven’t checked out yet. Inspiration can strike at the strangest times and in the strangest places, and you never know what might trigger that creative spark. There’s gems hidden (sometimes even in plain sight) everywhere, you’ve just gotta know how to look for them.
Collaborating with other creatives both inside and outside your field of expertise is always important, but that importance is taken up a notch when you’re struggling with a creative block. Getting fresh new perspectives, opinions, and thoughts on your work can open a new line of thought for you and help you overcome whatever mental blocks you may be fighting through. If you don’t spend time around other creative people and hole up by yourself, you’re only exacerbating your problems. Hit some of your homies or some people who’s work you admire up and start cooking! It doesn’t matter what you create-it just matters that you’re creating.
Read A Book
The colder months make for a perfect time to crack open a book, and reading is one of the best ways in the world to get your creativity going. Books open up a world of possibilities that you won’t get from binge-watching Netflix or playing video games until you can hardly see straight. No matter if it’s fiction, a biography of someone you admire or even a zine full of dope images and short articles, reading is good for your mind and soul. It’s a well-known fact that the knowledge you receive from whatever you choose to read will enhance your other creative pursuits. Plus, If you’re a writer like the KicksOneTwo squad you already know: you can’t write if you don’t read.
Tough It Out
The last option is not a fun one. It’s cold-hearted, brutal and without remorse or quarter, much like the shitty weather we’re trying our best to help you cope with. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes the only option you have though: just bear down and get your grind on. Being able to work under stress and pressure and being able to push through the tough times when you don’t feel creative or are struggling with a lack of motivation are two very valuable tools to have in your arsenal. If you can buckle down and grind through the winter (as tough as it may be), then you can cut loose, let your creative energy flow freely and shine all summer when inclement weather isn’t an issue. Hey, if nothing else you can wear some fire winter jackets! Always look on the bright side.
How do you manage to keep your creative energy flowing when it’s frigid out? Do you find it easier to create when the weather is more pleasant, or are you unbothered by the cold? Sound off in the comments, or hit us up and let us know on Twitter!
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