Man’s Not Hot: 5 Ways To Cope When The Cold Saps Your Creative Energy
Let’s keep it real: January’s not the most fun time of the year. The holidays are over. Everyone’s back to work in earnest. The thrill of making New Year’s resolutions has worn off along with all the champagne you consumed on New Year’s Eve. Now that reality has set in, all you’re left with is a hangover, literally and figuratively.
Plus, if you’re not blessed enough to live in the South or on the West Coast, it’s cold. Not just chilly, cooler than a polar bear’s toenails (word to 3 Stacks). Flat-out frigid. In the Midwest, temperatures have been hovering around 0 (although they’re finally starting to warm up a little bit). New York’s been getting so much snow dumped on them that they’re currently experiencing a city-wide shortage of fresh Timberlands. The Northeast has been dealing with windchill the likes of which has never been seen before. And still, our asshat of a president Mr. Donald Trump sits in the White House, denying that climate change is real.
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