Music Mondays: July 20th
For this edition of Music Mondays, we bring you a banger from Antwon, Wiki, and Lee Spielman. Here’s “Squad Deep”, recommended to us by our homie BVCKWOODS
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For this edition of Music Mondays, we bring you a banger from Antwon, Wiki, and Lee Spielman. Here’s “Squad Deep”, recommended to us by our homie BVCKWOODS
For today’s Kick Pic, we bring you a snap of Jahmade rocking one of his most-worn pairs of kicks, the “Wino” Nike Zoom Janoski SB’s.
#Samples, #PlayerExclusive, #BOMGang and my personal favorite, #SampleLife.
If you’ve followed any big sample collectors on Instagram, I’m sure you’ve seen a few of these hashtags used. I’m guilty of using them myself. (I still think claiming #SampleLife and #BOMGang is hilarious).
For those that don’t know much about me and my shoe collection, I can say that I dabble in the sample game. I’m not one of those guys that’s looking for and buying samples and samples only, but I’m not one to turn down a dope pair for a good price, even more so if they’re Kobes (some of my favorite shoes).
It’s lit.
It’s the third Friday of the month, and you already know what that means….Foolish Bastard Family is taking over the Kitty Cat Klub for their monthly residency tonight. With Foolish OG’s BitsBits, Connye, and BVCKWOODS and special guests John Daniel, Widikus, Mikael X, and Tolliver, it’s set to be a night to remember. Check the flyer below for more info…and be sure to come through!
So you’re walking through the mall, checking out all the stores have to offer with a dope fit on and a fresh pair of kicks on your feet. Aww yeah, it’s an un-deadstock kind of day. You stroll past the shops with a certain aura of confidence around you. You’re stunting on everyone and you know it. As you walk around, you smile at the fact that people’s eyes always seem to hit the ground when they pass you. You’re breaking everyone’s necks today. (If you haven’t realized yet, you’re having a pretty good day).
What’s good, everyone? (I feel like I’m obligated to start these pieces with “what’s good” at this point!)
Back for the monthly check-in, and to fill all of you in on what I’ve been doing recently. There’s been a LOT going on since the last time I touched base with everyone, and even more coming in the future, so I’m really excited to bring you all up to speed.
First off, as you probably noticed within the last few weeks, we’ve got a new contributor here on KicksOneTwo, my dude Emil (or Bobby if you prefer) Cienik. He’s been blessing you with gems on everything from corniness in the sneaker world to bandwagon sneaker fans for the past few days, and he’ll be bringing you more content very soon!
For today’s Kick Pic, we bring you a snap of Ross rocking the Asics Gel Lyte V “Brazil” (the Kithstrike edition of course, note the rope laces).
For today’s edition of Music Mondays, we bring you a banger from Maxo Kream and Father. Here’s “Cell Boomin”.
We all know that one guy. You know, the guy who’s “favorite” sports team is somehow in the Finals every year. The guy who gets extremely defensive when you ask him how long he’s liked the team he can’t stop tweeting about. I’m talking about that huge bandwagon fan.
I recently returned home from a trip to Milwaukee, WI with my baseball team. The Twins happened to be playing the Brewers at Miller Park so we all got tickets to go to the game. In case you didn’t know, the Brewers are one of the worst teams in baseball. I was absolutely amazed from what I saw when I got to the field. In pure Wisconsin fashion, the parking lot was filled with tailgaters having a great time. My first thought was, “There is no way we’d ever see this in Minnesota – especially if we were the worst team in the majors!”
We’re throwing shade this weekend at KicksOneTwo. You might as well know that off top. Yesterday it was various corny acts in the sneaker game…today it’s corny slang. We’re a positive group, but you’ve got to throw shade when throwing shade is due.
There are far too many stupid terms that are overused in the sneaker community, and need to go lay to rest in the sneaker game’s graveyard of irrelevancy right next to fusion Jordans, Greedy Genius, and Creative Recreation.