As sneakerheads, we like to show off. We’re constantly letting people know what we’ve got in our closets and on our feet, and there’s no better way to let everyone know what your footwear game is like than a fire sneaker picture.
Now, just about any sneakerhead can point their cell phone camera at their shoes and take a quick snap, but there’s a right and wrong way to go about doing things. You love your kicks, and want to make sure they’re showcased in the best way possible, right? Well, then this article is right up your alley. Here’s 3 quick tips for better sneaker photographs.
Make Sure Your Kicks Are In Frame & Focused
This may sound obvious, but it’s a simple step that a lot of sneakerheads don’t take. Make sure your whole shoe is in the frame, and that it’s in focus so the details show. Having your heel or toes out of the frame is not a good look, and neither is having a blurry-ass picture. How are you going to show off your heat if someone can’t even fully see what you’re wearing?
Make Sure Your Photo Isn’t Overly Tilted
We’ve all been guilty of this at least one time. When you lean over and snap a sneaker selfie, it’s not always straight-on. When your photo is tilted, it’s obvious that you were just trying to snap a quick picture, and no matter how fire your kicks are, you won’t be doing them justice. Thankfully with simple editing tools on your phone or computer, you can straighten out your pictures pretty easily…or you can just take your time and make sure your picture isn’t tilted right when you take it.
Make Sure Your KicksĀ Are Spotless
You would think this is a no-brainer, but dirty kicks are more prevalent in photos than you’d think. If you’re showing off your shoes, please make sure they’re clean. Nobody will be interested if you’re trying to flex a pair of scuffed and dirty kicks. Keep it fresh. It’s the only way to go.
Do you have any simple techniques to ensure your sneaker photos always turn out great? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker photos you can handle.
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