Happy Thanksgiving, KicksOneTwo fam.
No matter how sore you may be about missing out on the Yeezys yesteray (I know you probably did, it happens to the best of us), I hope you’re having a great day with your loved ones and enjoying some delicious food today.
I’m truly thankful for each and every one of you who’s checked out the site. KicksOneTwo has changed a lot since I started it two-plus years ago, and I’ve learned a lot about the blog game and myself as a person ever since I started … and I owe it all to you, the readers.
If you’ve seen even one article you enjoyed on this site, I’m thrilled. Your support keeps me going and I truly appreciate it. The blog game is a ruthless one (that’s one thing I’ve learned from KicksOneTwo), and there’s no stopping.
Between here and the Piff website, I’ll do my damnedest to give you everything you want to read, no matter if it’s about sneakers, streetwear. music, or anything else in our culture … and like I said, I truly appreciate your support. It means the world to me.
That’s enough rambling from me. Go eat some turkey with your loved ones. Go watch some football and relax. Cool out and enjoy yourself to the fullest. You enjoy it. See you tomorrow (and every day after) with more content. Hope your Thanksgiving is great!
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