The Strange Phenomenon Of “Nike Air” Nostalgia


Nostalgia is a funny thing. Everyone has something from their past that makes them think about how things used to be, and whatever may trigger that is different for everyone. For some, it’s what used to be on TV. For some, it’s how professional and college sports used to be. For some, it’s a strange fast food item like the McRib. For me (if you’re wondering) it was life as a kid before technology took everything over. Back in the day, we used to go get on our bikes and ride around looking for a pickup basketball game to play. Nowadays, kids get together and sit on their phones without talking. Ain’t that some shit? read more

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Happy Birthday MPLS Customs!


Here at KicksOneTwo, we’ve met a lot of great people in the local sneaker community. One or those people is our friend Sal, better known to most as MPLS Customs.

Not only is Sal the best sneaker customizer in the Twin Cities (all his art is done 100% by hand), he’s also a stand-up dude. You won’t meet anyone more chill and humble than him, and we’re glad to call him a friend. Enjoy a few pictures of his work below, and be sure to hit him up on Instagram or Twitter to check out his work if you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t seen it….and while you’re there, be sure to wish him a happy birthday. read more

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3 Kith Pieces You Need In Your Wardrobe


Here at KicksOneTwo when we find something we like, we support it fully. When it comes to water, all we drink is Voss (shouts to the Voss Boys..we see you). When it comes to fast-food hamburgers, all we eat is White Castle. And when it comes to clean, modern, well-made clothing, almost all we wear is Kith.

That’s right. We’re some of the biggest Kith stans you’ll ever meet, and we’re always hyped when Ronnie Fieg releases new jawnz. Lately, they’ve been coming out with enough fire to take down a large building, so we thought it would be only right for us to put you on game (if you aren’t already), and show you our 3 favorite new Kith pieces, with links so you can cop if you’re so inclined. Let’s get right to it. read more

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Cultivate Your Personal Style


I’m thinking about clothing and style. One’s personal style, to be specific, and I want to fill you in on something (and then give you some advice if you’re so inclined to listen).

The clothes you wear and the style you aim for are far more important than you might think.

When it comes to style, having your own unique perspective is important. You want to portray a certain image when you dress, and whatever that image may be, you need to make sure you’re conveying it clearly. Want to get on your cozy boy steez with tailored sweats and a fire basic hoodie? Still love the street goth look? Rare Japanese garments your type of thing? Want to look like you just don’t give a fuck and rock ripped tees? Whatever it may be that you want to look like, it doesn’t come easy. You’ve got to cultivate your personal style. read more

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The Drought: How To Deal With A Slow Sneaker Month


It’s a drought. January is a rough month in general. The holidays are over. All the good cheer and “let’s tackle this new year” attitude tends to wear off when you actually get a week or two into the new year and realize it’s cold and miserable.

So yeah, rough month. Not a ton going on. And unfortunately, that extends to the sneaker game. As of today, we’re 9 days into January. The first Jordan release (Alternate 89 IV’s) didn’t really move well, and today’s release (Radio Raheem II’s) looks like it’s gonna be the same way. Matter of fact, there’s not much going on release-wise at all this month, with the possible exception of the off-white Just Don II’s releasing at the end of the month. read more

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Ken Griffey Jr’s 3 Best Signature Shoes


The Kid was immortalized this week.

Ken Griffey Jr, one of the best players of all time and a hero to legions of baseball fans was elected into the Hall Of Fame by a near-unamous vote this Monday, so we thought it would be only right to pay tribute KicksOneTwo style: a list of his best shoes.

Not many baseball players get signature shoes, but Ken Griffey Jr had several…and a few were absolute classics. We present our top three, in order. Turn your hat backwards before you read on.

3. Air Griffey Max GD 2 read more

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I Been Schleep – Stance Socks and Nike Tech Fleece


“Are you joking, Bob? You JUST got into Stance and Nike Tech Fleece??”

I know, I know. The title of this article is pretty self-explanatory – I been schleep. Despite all of the hype and great reviews surrounding these two items, I just haven’t gotten around to copping either until now. As you can tell, I don’t give into hype easily, (I’m chuckling while writing this), and I stay true to what I know for the most part.

To be honest – I just figured that I was good with Nike Elite socks, *slams head against table*, and Tech Fleece was just an overpriced Nike Dry-Fit. However, I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong, and I have no problem with saying that I was 100% WRONG. read more

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The Ins And Outs Of The Double Up


The double-up. Often discussed, frequently mulled-over, rarely actually done.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, the double-up is grabbing two pairs of a shoe that you’re really into. Maybe you want a pair for now, and a pair for later. Maybe you want an extra pair to trade/sell. Maybe you want to flex for the ‘gram and then return a pair Maybe the shoe’s just so damn clean you’ve simply got to have more than one pair on deck.

Maybe you double up frequently. Maybe you never have before. Regardless of your experience with buying two pairs of kicks, there are a few simple rules that you should make sure to follow before you cop two pair (word to Nelly) read more

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What Kanye Really Meant In “Facts”


Kanye’s done it again.

The release of his most recent track “Facts” (produced by Metro Boomin) on New Year’s Eve whipped the sneaker community into a frenzy, the level of which is usually only seen when he releases a shoe.

He big ups Adidas while dissing Nike. He screams and spazzes out. It’s an extremely enjoyable song. (I personally liked it so much I threw a pair of Nikes off my balcony after listening to it). If you haven’t heard it, do yourself a favor and listen here. read more

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