This was originally supposed to be a somber article, but thanks to the generosity of the Twin Cities hip-hop community, it’s become a joyous one.
Our good friend DJ BVCKWOODS had his laptop stolen this past weekend. It’s pretty awful when anyone’s laptop goes missing, but it’s even worse for a DJ because their laptop is their livelihood. Tracks? Mixes? Software? Everything a DJ needs to do the damn thing is right there on their laptop.
A GoFundMe campaign was started to get BVCKWOODS a new laptop, and earlier in the day a few hundred bucks had been pledged. That was a great start..but a new Mac is more than a few hundred bucks, and this article was originally going to be a piece encouraging readers to donate. However, over the course of the afternoon, things changed. Donations started pouring in, and a plea for people to chip in wasn’t necessary anymore. At the time this article was written (Tuesday evening), the amount of donations was sitting at a whopping $1300.
And it was more than just donations. Slug (of Atmosphere fame) promised free Soundset tickets to whoever found the laptop. Others offered everything from free vintage clothes to free kicks to a cash reward. The outpouring of support was amazing.
And the support couldn’t go to a better human being. BVCKWOODS is a great guy. He’s an awesome DJ. He’s always the first to find new music, and is always willing to share it. He’s great to work with (we worked on WAX together), and also great to just shoot the shit with, as he has a very interesting perspective on a lot of topics.
So shoutout to him, and shoutout to everyone who helped raise money to get him a new computer Seeing the community come together for a good cause like this is very dope, and bodes well for the future of the scene.. If you haven’t kicked in a few bucks yet, you can by clicking the link here. Trust me, it couldn’t be going to a better person.
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