Some call it the outlet. Some call it the factory store. Some call it the clearance store. No matter what you call it, you know Nike’s outlets are chock-full of great deals on sneakers and apparel. However, much like thrifting, there’s an art to getting the most out of your experience when you hit the outlets. Here at KicksOneTwo, we’d like to think we’re very skilled at getting deals…and we’re feeling generous, so we’re going to share some of our best outlet tips with you. Let’s get it.
Get There Early
You want to be sure to get to the outlet as quickly as possible in the morning. Much like a thrift, that’s when they’re going to have their best selection out. The longer you wait, the more likely it is you’ll arrive to a picked-over store, so get up early and grab a Red Bull on the way over to the store. You’ll live, we promise.
Dig Around
We’re going strong with thrift shopping comparisons, but you want to make sure you dig around as much as possible while you’re at the store, just like you would when you’re at the thrift. There’s a lot of hands touching the merch all day, so there’s a good chance a gem could be totally out of place. Check all the racks. Dig through the hash wall. Sift through the apparel rounders. You’ll be very glad you did when you stumble upon a hidden gem.
Look Out For The Homies
When you’re going to the outlet, it’s absolutely essential that you look out for your homies who couldn’t make the trip with you. Let the squad know you’re going and see if there’s anything they want you to keep an eye out for. You’d want them to do the same for you if they went, wouldn’t you?
Don’t Cop Just To Cop
Sometimes Lady Luck won’t be smiling on you when you make a trek to the outlet. If that’s the case, don’t get something just because you feel obligated to. Sure, maybe it was a long drive, but buying stuff you don’t really want is a sure-fire way to end up with a bunch of junk you don’t wear and don’t care about. You’ll live to cop another day.
What are your favorite outlet tips and tricks? Do you have any stories of a crazy come-up? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter, check our Facebook page for daily updates, and, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for all the fire sneaker pictures you can handle.
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