Let me start this off by saying I just don’t get this “high fashion” crap. I really don’t. And I struggle with this a little bit because there are people that actually go out in this stuff everyday. Now, I’m not one to knock anyone’s style, (this is partially a lie), but some of this stuff is just flat out ugly. Sure, it’s all cool for fashion shows and what-not but as far as normal use goes — NAH. *Chief Keef voice*
Plus, I can’t be a supporter of anything that is promoted with “#Balmainia.” I can’t even say it without laughing.
Like most, I’ve heard of Balmain before, but I’ve never really cared to look into them too much since I know I won’t be able to afford any of it anyways. I just toss them into the whole “high fashion/designer stuff I don’t need until I’m rich and have money I don’t know what to do with” category. Until then, just give me a hoodie, a pair of Levi’s 511s, (shoutout to Ross for putting me on), and a fresh pair of kicks. (I’m really a simple kind of guy).
Naturally, when I heard something about Balmain x H&M, I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and went back to sleep. I couldn’t have cared less. (Stupid mistake now that I know the resale is lit). Today, however, all of my social media timelines were filled with Balmain x H&M. I saw all of the crazy pieces that were released, the resale on those pieces, and most-surprisingĀ of all — people bull-rushing stores and grabbing everything they could in the time-limit. (And you thought sneaker releases were bad!!)
This begs the question: Are people in this huge hype and frenzy for the money? Or are people that desperately needed to get their hands on items for retail actually going to wear them?
Apparently it’s a 50/50 split as many people made lots of money today, and the rich guys that can cop for high resale to please their gold-digger wives did so.
In closing, this should be my last article ever on anything designer. This whole thing is WAY out of my lane. If you are so inclined, please tell me I don’t have an eye for fashion, or that I’m too simple-minded to understand it. I’d love to be enlightened by you.
(If you want to read more in-depth about the in-store releases, check out the New York Times’ article here).
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