Cultivate Your Personal Style
I’m thinking about clothing and style. One’s personal style, to be specific, and I want to fill you in on something (and then give you some advice if you’re so inclined to listen).
The clothes you wear and the style you aim for are far more important than you might think.
When it comes to style, having your own unique perspective is important. You want to portray a certain image when you dress, and whatever that image may be, you need to make sure you’re conveying it clearly. Want to get on your cozy boy steez with tailored sweats and a fire basic hoodie? Still love the street goth look? Rare Japanese garments your type of thing? Want to look like you just don’t give a fuck and rock ripped tees? Whatever it may be that you want to look like, it doesn’t come easy. You’ve got to cultivate your personal style.
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