The Hip-Hop Community’s Support Of BVCKWOODS Is Awesome
This was originally supposed to be a somber article, but thanks to the generosity of the Twin Cities hip-hop community, it’s become a joyous one.
Our good friend DJ BVCKWOODS had his laptop stolen this past weekend. It’s pretty awful when anyone’s laptop goes missing, but it’s even worse for a DJ because their laptop is their livelihood. Tracks? Mixes? Software? Everything a DJ needs to do the damn thing is right there on their laptop.
A GoFundMe campaign was started to get BVCKWOODS a new laptop, and earlier in the day a few hundred bucks had been pledged. That was a great start..but a new Mac is more than a few hundred bucks, and this article was originally going to be a piece encouraging readers to donate. However, over the course of the afternoon, things changed. Donations started pouring in, and a plea for people to chip in wasn’t necessary anymore. At the time this article was written (Tuesday evening), the amount of donations was sitting at a whopping $1300.
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