Music Mondays: November 30th
For the final edition of Music Mondays in November, we bring you a chill track to vibe out to in the whip or at the crib courtesy of Yung Simmie. Here’s “It’s A Good Day”, produced by PurpDogg
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For the final edition of Music Mondays in November, we bring you a chill track to vibe out to in the whip or at the crib courtesy of Yung Simmie. Here’s “It’s A Good Day”, produced by PurpDogg
Release fatigue is a very real thing.
These last few months, more than any other time in the last few years, there are release-date sneakers sitting on the shelves. Starting with the “Marvin the Martian” Jordan VII’s, shoes have been sitting on the shelves for weeks (if not months) after their initial release date. Why is this, you might ask?
Sneakers are as popular as they have ever been. But, as discussed in past articles, the sneaker bubble is starting to burst. With the wide swath of new releases that drop every single week, you just can’t keep up to pace. It doesn’t help that this is one of Jordan Brand’s weakest seasons in recent memory and a rough year for retail sales as a whole, but shoes just aren’t moving as fast as they used to.
If you were up late enough on Thursday night, (or woke up early enough Friday morning), chances are you had a pretty solid night. The “Black Friday” King Push EQT’s dropped without announcement at 2:00 a.m., and those who were up, and caught the links on Twitter soon enough COOKED (if you were wondering…I cooked).
Late-night sneaker Twitter was pretty happy, and plenty of jokes were made about how mad people were going to be when they woke up and found out they already lost. “You snooze, you lose” has never been more relevant.
Here we are again on another Black Friday. Most of us have recovered from stuffing ourselves with delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese and more the day before..and now we’re about to partake in one of the most American things you can possibly do…shopping.
Yes, it’s that time of year again where businesses offer their “doorbusters” and “special savings”, and all that other marketing bullshit that gets the general populace whipped up in a frenzied buying rage.
Ah, Thanksgiving. The day where you post up with friends and family all day, eat so much turkey you can hardly move (shouts to the after-dinner nap), and watch football. Unless of course you’re a retail employee…then you’ll probably be at work.
Every Thanksgiving, it’s important to be thankful (duh) for what you have, and all the blessings that have been bestowed upon you. And for sneakerheads, there’s been a lot of them. There have been peaks and valleys in the sneaker game this year, but it’s been a solid year so far, and with everything dope on the horizon, there’s even more to be thankful for in the coming month.
Black Friday. The day that delights millions of carnivorous consumers thirsty for deals, and strikes fear into the hearts of overworked, underpaid retail employees all over the United States.
Black Friday is mainly centered around electronics and appliances, but sneakerheads have their day too, with a new (and usually highly desired) Jordan dropping. This got us thinking..which Black Friday releases were the best?
Once that thought entered our minds, you know we had to make a list for you. So here it is: the 5 best Black Friday Jordan releases, in order from #5 to #1. Let’s go.
Trading kicks is one of the best things about the sneaker game. Didn’t get something you wanted on release day? You can trade for it. Find an old shoe from years back that you just fell in love with? Offer up. Tired of something in your collection? Swap it out for something else. Trading kicks is a great way to enhance and bring variety to your collection.
However, like any good thing, there can be too much. It’s possible to become involved in excessive sneaker trading.
“How’s that?” you might be asking. “What is excessive sneaker trading?”
Comfort zones.
We’ve all got em’, and stepping outside of them is easy for some…and not so easy for others. Trying some new shit, be it a new restaurant, a different way to drive home from work, or a few extra drops of hot sauce on your burrito (I’m hungry while writing this fam, what can I say?) can be a leap of faith..and it’s a leap of faith you should take often.
This is very true when it comes to kicks. Most sneakerheads have a brand, line, or sneaker model that they get comfortable with. Maybe you really love Flyknit, and it’s all you want to wear. Maybe you’re obsessed with Superstars, and anything without a shelltoe doesn’t quite do it for you.
It’s that time of year Once again, Nike has teamed up with Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and given 6 kids the opportunity to design their own shoe for the Doernbecher Freestyle collection. For those of you not too familiar with the DB collection, it is a yearly promotion with all proceeds going to the hospital, and is a great, meaningful collection.
Since today is the release day, I’m going to take a look at this year’s collection, and rank them in terms of worst to best. (Since I have no clue how to really get into ranking a women’s shoe, I’ll just give you my ranking now. Free TR5, best; Air Max 90, second-best). However, before I get into it, there’s one disclaimer: Anything said in this post is me being real about the shoe itself. Like I stated before, I think this is an unbelievably great fundraiser for the hospital, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for both Nike, and the children involved in the designing. However, that doesn’t mean I love every shoe that they released. Without further ado, here’s the 2015 Doernbecher Freestyle collection rankings: