Sunday Sneaker Ramblings Vol II.
Round II. It’s time for another edition of Sunday Sneaker Ramblings.
It’s 3 AM right now, I just got back from the bar (you already know I was with the rest of the Voss Boys…squad) and you’re going to get a truly unfiltered look at my thoughts on any sneaker news that has occurred in the last week. Let’s get right into it.
First off, we’ll start with the biggest news of the past week, at least from my perspective. Yes, we’re talking about the rumored Supreme x Jordan I collab. Anyone who knows me knows that I love Supreme, and I really love Jordan I’s. Because of this, I’m going to have to get my hands on a pair of whatever their collaboration turns out to be, no matter if it’s the most fire shoe of the year or if it’s whack and uninspired. All the 16 year old hypebeasts who are using their dad’s credit card be dammed, I’ll be getting my pair release day (whenever that may be) come hell or high water, and they’ll be going on my feet the very same day that they show up on my doorstep.
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